1 time for motion to start
2 time for motion to start
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > time for motion to start
3 time for motion to start
1) Железнодорожный термин: время трогания (ТАН)2) Вычислительная техника: время трогания (механизма)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > time for motion to start
4 time for motion to start
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > time for motion to start
5 time for motion to start
Англо-русский железнодорожный словарь > time for motion to start
6 time
1) время
2) времена
3) временной
4) година
5) раз
6) хронировать
7) хронометражный
8) хронометрировать
9) срок
10) период
11) отмечать время
12) времяобразный
13) пора
14) такт
15) продолжительность
16) измерять
17) отсчитывать
18) синхронизировать
19) момент
– a longer time
– access time
– after-glow time
– all the time
– allowed time
– alloying time
– application time
– arrival time
– at that time
– at the same time
– auxiliary time
– beat time
– blanking time
– blowing time
– booking time
– braking time
– build-up time
– burn-out time
– by this time
– capture time
– charging time
– check-out time
– circuit time
– circulation time
– civil time
– clearing time
– coherence time
– computing time
– connection time
– continuous time
– conversion time
– count up time
– countdown time
– counting time
– curing time
– current-rise time
– cut-off time
– cycle time
– damping time
– de-excitation time
– dead time
– debug time
– decay time
– delay time
– demand time
– departure time
– detection time
– discharge time
– distribution in time
– down time
– drift time
– dwell time
– ephemeris time
– equation of time
– equilibration time
– estimated time
– excitation time
– exposure time
– fall time
– filing time
– fixed time
– flashing time
– flight time
– for a long time
– for the first time
– for the second time
– gelatination time
– generation time
– good time
– heat time
– hold time
– holding time
– hunting time
– idle time
– improvement time
– in real time
– in time
– in-service time
– installation time
– instant time
– integration time
– interaction time
– keep time
– lag time
– lead time
– legal time
– life time
– load time
– local time
– locking time
– longitude in time
– lost time
– machine time
– machining time
– manual time
– molding time
– Moscow time
– most of the time
– negative time
– next time
– nitriding time
– non real time
– off-air time
– operate time
– operation time
– paid time
– passage time
– payment on time
– periodic time
– pertaining to time
– point in time
– port time
– predetermined time
– preparation time
– preset time
– processing time
– production time
– propagation time
– pull-in time
– pulse time
– pulse-delay time
– pump-down time
– pumping time
– quantization time
– reaction time
– read-out time
– readout time
– real time
– reclosing time
– recognition time
– recording time
– recovery time
– recurrence time
– relaxation time
– release time
– releasing time
– reset time
– resolving time
– response time
– resting time
– retention time
– retrace time
– retrieval time
– return time
– reverberation time
– ringing time
– rise time
– rolling time
– running time
– sampling time
– saving of time
– schedule time
– scheduled time
– screwdown time
– selection time
– separation in time
– settling time
– setup time
– sidereal time
– slew time
– slot time
– slowing-down time
– soaking time
– solar time
– splitting time
– stabilization time
– standard time
– starting time
– storage time
– survival time
– switching time
– teardown time
– time acceleration
– time average
– time averaging
– time behaviour
– time card
– time cargo
– time cell
– time check
– time coherence
– time compression
– time compressor
– time constant
– time correlation
– time delay
– time demodulation
– time dependence
– time derivative
– time diagram
– time dilatation
– time discriminator
– time diversity
– time division
– time effect
– time fuse
– time grading
– time history
– time in flight
– time in rolls
– time integral
– time interval
– time inversion
– time lag
– time lag of switching
– time line
– time magnifier
– time mark
– time marker
– time meter
– time modulation
– time multiplex
– time multiplexing
– time of circulation
– time of cure
– time of exposure
– time of flight
– time of operation
– time of propagation
– time of release
– time of response
– time of solution
– time off
– time on
– time per piece
– time quadrature
– time relay
– time release
– time resolution
– time response
– time sampling
– time scale
– time scaling
– time scanning
– time sequence
– time sharing
– time shift
– time signal
– time slicing
– time slot
– time span
– time spread
– time star
– time step-interval
– time to failure
– time to go
– time to rupture
– time variation
– time zone
– transient time
– transit time
– transition time
– trapping time
– travel time
– true time
– turn-off time
– turn-on time
– unit time
– universal time
– unoccupied time
– upsetting time
– valve-opening time
– viewing time
– waiting time
– warm-up time
– word time
– zero time
– zone time
crystal-controlled time marker — кварцованная временная метка
electric time locking — < railways> электрозамыкание временное
from time to time — временами, по временам
from time to time — временами, по временам
injection-and-transit time diode — инжекционно-пролетный диод
local apparent time — <astr.> время истинное местное
mean solar time — среднее солнечное время, <astr.> время солнечное истинное
non-radiative relaxation time — время бызызлучательной релаксации
one-pulse time delay — задержка импульса на один главный импульс, задержка импульса на один разряд
preparation and finishing-up time — <industr.> время подготовительно-заключительное
pulse rise time — время нарастания импульса, длительность фронта импульса
time and percussion fuse — <engin.> взрыватель комбинированного действия дистанционный
time domain spectroscopy — <opt.> спектроскопия временная
time interval system — < railways> разграничение поездов временем
time magnifying study — <engin.> лупа времени
7 motion
1) движение
2) телодвижение
3) ход
4) перемещение
– apparent motion
– apsidal motion
– be in accelerated motion
– be in decelerated motion
– be in motion
– center of motion
– center-of-gravity motion
– circular motion
– clockwise motion
– component motion
– compound motion
– constrained motion
– continuous motion
– convective motion
– correlated motion
– crowding motion
– curvilinear motion
– cutting motion
– cycle of motion
– damped motion
– decelerated motion
– direct motion
– diurnal motion
– downward motion
– Earth's motion
– equation of motion
– forced motion
– forward motion
– free motion
– general motion
– harmonic motion
– helical motion
– horizontal motion
– inertial motion
– instantaneous motion
– intermittent motion
– intramolecular motion
– inverse motion
– irregular motion
– jogging motion
– lateral motion
– lever motion
– linear motion
– liquid in motion
– longitudinal motion
– micrometer motion
– Moon's motion
– motion analyser
– motion ceases
– motion correction
– motion of continuum
– opposing motion
– ordered motion
– oscillatory motion
– path of motion
– peculiar motion
– pendular motion
– perpetual motion
– perturbed motion
– phase motion
– pitching motion
– plane of motion
– plane-parallel motion
– planetary motion
– polar motion
– positive motion
– potential motion
– proper motion
– random motion
– reciprocating motion
– rectilinear motion
– reverse motion
– rolling motion
– rotary motion
– seesaw motion
– set in motion
– shedding motion
– simple motion
– smooth motion
– spatial motion
– spiral motion
– steady motion
– stellar motion
– stick-slip motion
– stop motion
– straight-line motion
– stream-line motion
– sweep motion
– tangential motion
– thermal motion
– transient motion
– translational motion
– transportation motion
– transverse motion
– uniform motion
– unrestricted motion
– unstable motion
– variable motion
– vertical motion
– vortex motion
– wobbling motion
– yawing motion
Newton's first law of motion — <phys.> закон инерции
Newton's second law of motion — <phys.> закон об ускорении и силе
Newton's third law of motion — <phys.> закон действия и противодействия
8 time
1) время; период времени2) момент времени || отмечать время3) хронометрировать; рассчитывать по времени4) синхронизировать; согласовывать во времени•- access time
- accumulated operating time
- action time
- activity slack time
- actual activity completion time
- actual time
- actuation time
- addition time
- add time
- add-subtract time
- arrival time
- assembly time
- attended time
- available machine time
- average operation time
- awaiting-repair time
- binding time
- bit time
- build-up time
- calculating time
- carry-over time
- carry time
- chip-access delay time
- circuit time
- clear-write time
- coding time
- compile time
- computation time
- computer dead time
- computer time
- computer useful time
- computing time
- connect time
- control time
- crash time
- crisis time
- cycle time
- data time
- data-retention time
- dead time
- debatable time
- debugging time
- debug time
- decay time
- deceleration time
- delay time
- design time
- destination time
- development time
- digit time
- discrete time
- divide time
- down time
- earliest expected time
- effective time
- engineering time
- entry time
- error-free running time
- estimated time
- event scheduled completion time
- event slack time
- event time
- execution cycle time
- execution time
- expected activity time
- fall time
- fault correction time
- fault location time
- fault time
- fetch time
- float time
- form movement time
- forward-current rise time
- gate time
- good time
- guard time
- handshaking time
- holding time
- hold time
- idle time
- improvement time
- incidental time
- ineffective time
- inoperable time
- installation time
- instruction time
- integrator time
- interaction time
- interarrival time
- interrogation time
- latency time
- latest allowable event time
- load time
- lock-grant time
- lock-holding time
- logarithmic time
- machine available time
- machine spoiled work time
- machine spoiled time
- machine time
- maintenance time
- makeup time
- manual time
- mean error-free time
- mean repair time
- mean time between errors
- mean time between failures
- mean time to repair
- memory cycle time
- miscellaneous time
- mission time
- most likely time
- multiply time
- no-charge machine fault time
- no-charge non-machine-fault time
- no-charge time
- nonfailure operating time
- nonreal time
- nonscheduled down time
- nonscheduled maintenance time
- object time
- occurrence time
- off time
- on time
- one-pulse time
- operating time
- operation time
- operation-use time
- optimistic time
- out-of-service time
- peaking time
- peak time
- pessimistic time
- polynomial time
- pool time
- positioning time
- power up time
- pre-assembly time
- precedence waiting time
- preset time
- preventive maintenance time
- print interlock time
- problem time
- processing time
- process time
- processor cycle time
- production time
- productive time
- program execution time
- program fetch time
- program testing time
- progration time
- propagation delay time
- proving time
- pulse time
- punch start time
- read time
- reading access time
- readout time
- read-restore time
- real time
- record check time
- recovery time
- reference time
- refresh time
- reimbursed time
- repair delay time
- repair time
- representative computing time
- request-response time
- resetting time
- resolution time
- resolving time
- response time
- restoration time
- restoring time
- retrieval time
- reversal time
- reverse-current fall time
- rewind time
- rise time
- round-trip time
- routine maintenance time- run time- sampling time
- scaled real time
- scheduled time
- schedule time
- scheduled down time
- scheduled operating time
- scramble time
- screen storage time
- search time
- seek time
- send-receive-forward time
- sensitive time
- service time
- serviceable time
- setting time
- settling time
- setup time
- simulated time
- s-n transition time
- standby time
- starting time
- start time
- start-up time
- stop time
- storage cycle time
- storage time
- subtraction time
- subtract time
- superconducting-normal transition time
- supplementary maintenance time
- swap time
- switch delay time
- switch time
- switching time
- system time
- takedown time
- task time
- testing time
- throughput time
- time between failures
- time for motion to start
- time now
- total time
- track-to-track move time
- transfer time
- transit time
- transition time
- translating time
- true time
- turnaround time
- turnoff time
- turnon time
- turnover time
- unacked time
- unattended standby time
- unattended time
- unavailable time
- unit time
- unused time
- up time
- useful time
- user time
- variable dead time
- waiting time
- word time
- word-addressing time
- write timeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > time
9 time
1) время || отмечать время3) период4) продолжительность, длительность5) раз6) срок8) хронировать•longitude in time — продолжительность, длительность
time off — телефон. время окончания разговора
time on — телефон. время начала разговора
- accrued operating time - domain transit time - first jump time - forward recurrence time - local apparent time - lost motion time - mean free time - mean solar time - pulse decay time - pulse delay time - time of aphelion passage - trap release timetime to go — авиац. остаток времени полёта
10 start
1) старт
2) задвигаться
3) пуск
4) пускать в ход
5) стартование
6) стартующий
7) трогаться
8) начало
9) запускать
10) начинать
11) стартовать
12) начинаться
13) отправляться
14) пусковой
15) начальный
16) начать
17) запустить
– air start
– cold start
– hot start
– start a screw
– start address
– start button
– start car in gear
– start engine
– start file
– start from
– start in-flight
– start motor
– start of a turn
– start of a winding
– start up reactor
– to start
– trial start
11 ♦ time
♦ time /taɪm/A n. [uc]1 tempo; epoca; periodo; durata; (mus.) tempo, misura; circostanza: I've just time to give her a ring, ho appena il tempo di darle un colpo di telefono; It took me a long time to go there on foot, mi ci volle molto tempo per andarci a piedi; DIALOGO → - Ordering food 4- They're taking a long time to bring us our food, stanno impiegando molto tempo per portarci da mangiare; in Cromwell's time, al tempo di Cromwell; in the time of Elizabeth I, all'epoca di Elisabetta I; waltz time, tempo di valzer; We must move with the times, dobbiamo essere sempre al passo con i tempi; modern times, tempi moderni; troubled (o hard) times, tempi difficili; (mus.) to beat time, battere il tempo; a time of sorrow, una circostanza dolorosa; free time, tempo libero; a rough time, un periodo duro; to occupy one's time, impiegare il proprio tempo; to spend one's time doing st., spendere il proprio tempo facendo qc.; to waste one's time, sciupare il tempo; perdere tempo NOTA D'USO: - a lot of years o a long time?-2 ora; momento: DIALOGO → - Going for an interview- What time is it now? (o What's the time?), che ore sono (adesso)?; che ora è?; Do you have the time?, (Lei) ha l'ora?; che ore sono?; It's dinner time, è l'ora di cena; At what time?, a che ora?; DIALOGO → - On the Tube- What time's the last train to Upminster?, a che ora è l'ultimo treno per Upminster?; DIALOGO → - Television- What time does it start?, a che ora comincia?; DIALOGO → - Asking about routine 2- What time do you start work?, a che ora cominci a lavorare?; Time is up!, è ora! (di consegnare il compito, ecc.); tempo scaduto!; It's time to go, è ora d'andare; The time had come to set out, era giunta l'ora della partenza; Now is the time to act, questo è il momento di agire; There's no time like the present, questo è il momento giusto; local time, ora locale; peak time, orario di maggiore ascolto; prima serata; to tell the time, dire l'ora ( guardando l'orologio), leggere le ore; an inconvenient time, un'ora scomoda3 volta: this time, questa volta; next time, la prossima volta; every time, ogni volta; tutte le volte; another time, un'altra volta; the time before last, la penultima volta; three [four] times, tre [quattro] volte; many times, molte volte; spesso; umpteen times, un sacco di volte; DIALOGO → - Discussing books 2- There are times when I don't read a book for months, ci sono volte in cui non leggo un libro per mesi4 (trasp.) orario: the times of the trains to Oxford, gli orari dei treni per Oxford; on time, puntualmente; puntuale; in orario7 (comput.) tempo: real time, tempo reale; (avv.) immediatamente; real time processing, elaborazione in tempo reale9 ( calcio, ecc.) tempo di gioco; tempo che resta da giocare; ( anche) lo scadere del tempo: The third goal was scored (at) five minutes from time, il terzo gol è stato segnato cinque minuti prima dello scadere del tempo; stoppage time, recupero; minuti di recupero10 ( calcio, ecc.) sospensione del gioco; ► timeout, def. 1: ( dell'arbitro) to call time, comandare la sospensione (o la fine) del giocoB a. attr.● ( banca, USA) time account, conto di deposito □ time after time, più volte; tante volte; ripetutamente □ time and again, spessissimo; assai di frequente □ time and a half, paga per lavoro straordinario □ (cronot.) time and motion study, studio dei tempi e dei movimenti □ (leg.) time bar, termine di decadenza (o di prescrizione) □ (fin., Borsa) time bargain, operazione a termine □ (leg.) time-barred, prescritto per decadenza dei termini □ (fin.) time bill, cambiale a tempo; ( USA) orario ( ferroviario, ecc.) □ time bomb, bomba a tempo (o a orologeria); (fig.) situazione esplosiva □ ( ciclismo, equit.) time bonus, abbuono di tempo □ time book, registro delle presenze (o delle ore di lavoro) □ (pubbl.) time buying, acquisto di tempo ( alla radio o alla TV) □ time capsule, contenitore ( pieno di oggetti, ecc. attuali) per le generazioni future ( viene sepolto in terra) □ time card, scheda di presenza □ (naut.) time charter ( party), (contratto di) noleggio a tempo □ (gramm.) time clause, proposizione temporale □ time clerk, controllore delle ore di lavoro □ time clock, orologio marcatempo; ( anche) timer □ time-consuming, che richiede molto tempo □ (tecn.) time control, comando a tempo □ ( banca) time deposit, deposito a termine (o vincolato): time-deposit book, libretto vincolato □ time draft, tratta a tempo □ (fotogr.) time exposure, posa, tempo di posa □ (form.) time frame, arco di tempo; tempi di attuazione □ (naut.) time freight, nolo a tempo □ (mil.) time-fuse, spoletta a tempo □ ( sport) time gap, distacco, ritardo ( nelle corse) □ time-honoured, venerato per la sua antichità; venerando □ ( basket) time-in, inizio (o ripresa) del tempo di gioco □ time lag, intervallo di tempo; (fis.) ritardo; (econ.) scarto (o sfasamento) temporale □ (cinem., fotogr.) time lapse, time lapse (tecnica di montaggio in un filmato di fotogrammi scattati a intervalli di tempo lunghi) □ (cinem., fotogr.) time-lapse (attr.), in time lapse; time lapse □ time limit, (leg.) termine ultimo; ( sport: nelle corse) tempo massimo □ (fin.) time loan, prestito a tempo □ ( fantascienza) time machine, macchina del tempo □ the time of day, l'ora ( segnata dall'orologio); l'ora del giorno □ (fam.) the time of one's life, un periodo molto bello □ time of payment, termine di pagamento; scadenza ( di una cambiale, ecc.) □ ( sport) time of play, tempo di gioco; durata di una partita □ time off, tempo libero (o di vacanza); (giorni, ecc. di) congedo, permesso: I'll take some time off, mi prenderò un po' di congedo □ ( di lavoratore) time off in lieu, riposo compensativo □ time out, tempo libero; pausa; riposo; periodo di vacanza: to take time out, prendersi un po' di vacanza; fare una pausa ( nel lavoro, nello studio, ecc.) □ (fam. USA) Time out!, aspetta, aspettate!; un momento!; un attimo! □ time payment, (econ.) retribuzione a tempo; (market.) pagamento dilazionato (o rateale) □ (ass., naut.) time policy, polizza a tempo □ (cronot.) time recorder, tempista; ( anche) orologio marcatempo □ (farm.) time-release drug (o capsule), medicina (o capsula) a lento rilascio; farmaco (o capsula) retard □ (geol.) time scale, cronologia □ (demogr., stat.) time series, serie temporale (o storica) □ (stat.) time-series chart, istogramma; diagramma a colonne □ time-server, opportunista; conformista □ time-serving, (agg.) opportunistico, conformistico; (sost.) opportunismo, conformismo □ (org. az.) time sheet, foglio di presenza □ (mat.) times sign, segno di moltiplicazione □ ( radio, TV) time signal, segnale orario □ (comput.) time stamp, indicatore data e ora □ time study, cronotecnica □ time-study engineer, cronotecnico □ (tecn.) time switch, interruttore a tempo □ time taker = time recorder ► sopra □ time taking, rilevazione dei tempi □ time-tested, sperimentato; che il tempo ha dimostrato valido □ time ticket, cartellino di presenza □ ( sport: nelle corse) the time to beat, il tempo da battere (o da migliorare) □ (autom., ciclismo) time trial, corsa a cronometro; corsa contro il tempo; cronometro (sost. f.) □ time-trial specialist, cronoman □ time warp, ( fantascienza) curvatura (o distorsione) del tempo; (fig.) confusione tra passato e presente, o tra presente e futuro: to be caught (o stuck) in a time warp, essere rimasto fermo nel tempo □ time waster, q. o qc. che fa perdere tempo; perditempo; perdita di tempo □ time-wasting, che fa perdere tempo □ (econ.) time wages, salario a tempo □ times without number, innumerevoli volte; spessissimo □ (econ.) time-work, lavoro retribuito a ore; lavoro in economia □ (econ.) time-worker, operaio retribuito a ore □ (geogr.) time zone, fuso orario □ time and time again, più e più volte; non so più quante volte □ ahead of time, anzitempo; prima del tempo; di buonora □ to be ahead of (o to be born before) one's time, essere in anticipo sui tempi; essere un precursore □ all the time, per tutto il tempo, sempre, di continuo: I've known it all the time, l'ho sempre saputo □ as times go, dati i tempi; considerando come va il mondo □ at a time, alla volta: One thing at a time, una cosa alla volta □ ( sport) at full time, a tempo scaduto □ at times, a volte; talvolta; talora □ at all times, sempre; immancabilmente □ at the time, quando: At the time they arrived, I was away, quando sono arrivati, io non c'ero □ at my time of life, alla mia età □ at no time, in nessun tempo; in nessuna circostanza; giammai □ at one time, una volta; un tempo: At one time I used to swim a lot, una volta facevo molto nuoto □ at the present time, al presente; ora; adesso □ at the same time, nello stesso tempo; contemporaneamente, insieme; a un tempo, nondimeno, tuttavia: She was smiling and sobbing at the same time, sorrideva e singhiozzava nello stesso tempo □ (fig.) at this time of day, a questo punto ( delle trattative, ecc.); in questo momento ( della storia); troppo tardi □ behind the times, antiquato; vecchio □ behind time, tardi; in ritardo: We are behind time with our deliveries, siamo in ritardo con le consegne □ to die before one's time, morire anzitempo; fare una morte prematura □ (fam.) to do time, scontare una pena detentiva; essere in galera □ ( sport: calcio, ecc.) extra time, tempo supplementare □ for the time being, per il momento □ (lett.) from time immemorial ( from time out of mind), dal tempo dei tempi; da moltissimo tempo; da secoli □ from time to time, di quando in quando; ogni tanto □ from that time on, da allora in poi □ to gain time, guadagnar tempo; ( dell'orologio) andare avanti □ to give sb. a pretty hard time, far passare un brutto quarto d'ora a q. □ to grow old before one's time, invecchiare anzitempo (o troppo presto) □ ( sport) half time, metà tempo ( della partita): at half time, a metà tempo; nell'intervallo □ to have a bad time, passarsela male □ (fam.) to have an easy time, passarsela bene; star bene economicamente □ to have a good time (o the time of one's life), divertirsi un mondo; spassarsela □ to have no time for, non aver tempo per (qc.); non aver tempo da perdere con (q.) □ in time, in tempo, in tempo utile; col tempo, con l'andar del tempo, a poco a poco; DIALOGO → - Discussing football- I didn't get home in time and only caught the second half on TV, non sono tornato a casa in tempo e ho beccato solo il secondo tempo alla TV □ (mus.) to be in time, andare a tempo □ in time to come, per l'avvenire; in futuro □ in the course of time, col tempo; con l'andar del tempo; con il passare degli anni □ in double-quick time, in un baleno; in un batter d'occhio □ in due time, a tempo debito □ in good time, al momento opportuno; in tempo ( per un appuntamento, uno spettacolo e sim.) □ in one's own time, a tempo perso □ (fam.) in one's own good time, con comodo; prendendosela comoda □ in its proper time and place, a tempo e luogo □ in a month's time, fra un mese □ in no time ( at all), in un attimo; in un baleno; in un batter d'occhio □ in one's spare time, nelle ore libere; nei ritagli di tempo □ (mus.) to keep time, andare a tempo; tenere il tempo □ ( d'un orologio) to keep good [bad] time, segnare l'ora esatta [non andare bene] □ to kill time, ammazzare il tempo □ to be a long time, essere molto tempo; ( anche) metterci molto tempo (a fare qc.) □ to lose time, perdere tempo; ( dell'orologio) restare indietro NOTA D'USO: - to lose time o to waste time?- □ to lose ( all) count of time, perdere la nozione del tempo □ to make time, recuperare il tempo; ( di treno) recuperare □ to make good time, tenere una buona andatura; andare di buon passo □ (mil.) to march in time, marciare a tempo □ to march with the times, tenersi al passo con i tempi □ ( di donna) to be near one's time, essere prossima al parto □ once upon a time, una volta; al tempo dei tempi: Once upon a time there was a king, c'era una volta un re □ (mus.) to be out of time, non andare a tempo; essere fuori tempo □ to pass the time of day with sb., scambiare qualche parola di saluto con q.; intrattenersi (a conversare) con q. □ to play for time, cercare di guadagnare tempo; ( sport) fare melina □ ( radio, TV, ecc.) to be running out of time, essere in ritardo sul programma stabilito □ to serve one's time, ( di condannato) scontare la pena; ( di apprendista) prestare servizio □ to be some time, essere un po' di tempo; ( anche) metterci del tempo (a fare qc.) □ to take one's time, prendersela comoda: DIALOGO → - Asking about a journey- You took your time!, te la sei presa comoda! □ to take time off for no reason, fare delle assenze ingiustificate ( dal lavoro, ecc.) □ to tell the time, ( dell'orologio) segnare il tempo; ( di una persona) dire l'ora, leggere l'orologio □ this time last year, l'anno scorso a questa epoca □ this time next week, oggi a otto □ till the end of time, sino alla fine dei tempi; in eterno □ up to the present time, finora □ to work against time, lavorare coi minuti contati, con l'acqua alla gola; combattere contro il tempo □ (fam.) It will take me ( you, etc.) all my ( your, etc.) time to do that, c'è da lavorare ventiquattro ore su ventiquattro per farlo □ It's ( about) time I was going, sarebbe ora che me ne andassi □ My time is drawing near (o I am near my time; my time is almost over), ormai non mi resta molto da vivere □ (prov.) There's a time for everything, ogni cosa a suo tempo □ (prov.) Time is money, il tempo è denaro.NOTA D'USO: - time e tempo- (to) time /taɪm/v. t. e i.1 fare (qc. ) al momento buono (o a proposito); scegliere (o cogliere) il momento opportuno per (qc.); calcolare, disporre, progettare ( con riguardo al tempo): We timed our trip to arrive before noon, abbiamo predisposto (abbiamo organizzato) il nostro viaggio in modo d'arrivare prima di mezzogiorno2 fissare l'orario di: The arrival of the President was timed for 10 o'clock, l'arrivo del Presidente era fissato per le dieci3 regolare il ritmo (o la velocità) di; ritmare; rimettere ( un orologio); sincronizzare: The girl timed her steps to the music, la ragazza regolava il ritmo del passo sulla musica; He timed the speed of the two toy trains, ha sincronizzato la velocità dei due trenini; Time your watch with mine, regola (rimetti) il tuo orologio col mio!4 calcolare, misurare il tempo di; cronometrare: The winner was timed at 4′ 6′′, il primo arrivato è stato cronometrato a quattro minuti e sei secondi7 ( calcio, ecc.) fare ( un'azione, una mossa, ecc.) al momento giusto (o opportuno); calcolare bene il tempo di ( un intervento)● (fotogr.) to time the exposure, regolare l'esposizione □ to time one's remarks, intercalare le proprie osservazioni al momento giusto □ The bus is timed to arrive at 4 o'clock, d'orario, l'autobus arriva alle quattro. -
12 start
verb1) (to leave or begin a journey: We shall have to start at 5.30 a.m. in order to get to the boat in time.)2) (to begin: He starts working at six o'clock every morning; She started to cry; She starts her new job next week; Haven't you started (on) your meal yet?; What time does the play start?)3) (to (cause an engine etc to) begin to work: I can't start the car; The car won't start; The clock stopped but I started it again.)4) (to cause something to begin or begin happening etc: One of the students decided to start a college magazine.)
2. noun1) (the beginning of an activity, journey, race etc: I told him at the start that his idea would not succeed; The runners lined up at the start; He stayed in the lead after a good start; I shall have to make a start on that work.)2) (in a race etc, the advantage of beginning before or further forward than others, or the amount of time, distance etc gained through this: The youngest child in the race got a start of five metres; The driver of the stolen car already had twenty minutes' start before the police began the pursuit.)•- starter- starting-point
- for a start
- get off to a good
- bad start
- start off
- start out
- start up
- to start with
verb(to jump or jerk suddenly because of fright, surprise etc: The sudden noise made me start.)
2. noun1) (a sudden movement of the body: He gave a start of surprise.)2) (a shock: What a start the news gave me!)start1 n1. principio2. salidathere's a lot of work, let's make a start! hay mucho trabajo, ¡empecemos!start2 vb1. empezarwhat time does it start? ¿a qué hora empieza?2. arrancartr[stɑːt]1 (gen) principio, comienzo, inicio3 (fright, jump) susto, sobresalto■ what a start you gave me! ¡qué susto me has pegado!1 (begin - gen) empezar, comenzar, iniciar; (- conversation) entablar■ what time do you start work? ¿a qué hora empiezas a trabajar?■ she started to cry empezó a llorar, arrancó a llorar2 (cause to begin - fire, epidemic) provocar; (- argument, fight, war, etc) empezar, iniciar■ you've started me thinking me has hecho pensar, me has dado que pensar3 (set up - business) montar, poner; (- organization) fundar, establecer, crear4 (set in motion - machine) poner en marcha; (- vehicle) arrancar, poner en marcha1 (begin) empezar, comenzar■ what time does it start? ¿a qué hora comienza?■ don't start, honey no empieces, cariño■ starting from Tuesday a partir del martes, empezando el martes2 (be set up - business) ser fundado,-a, fundarse, crearse3 (begin to operate) ponerse en marcha, empezar a funcionar; (car) arrancar4 (begin journey) salir, partir, ponerse en camino5 (jump) asustarse, sobresaltarse\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLfor a start para empezarto get off to a bad start empezar malto get off to a good start empezar biento get started empezarto make a fresh start volver a empezarto make a start on something empezar algoto start a family tener hijosstart ['stɑrt] vi1) jump: levantarse de un salto, sobresaltarse, dar un respingo2) begin: empezar, comenzar3) set out: salir (de viaje, etc.)4) : arrancar (dícese de un motor)start vt1) begin: empezar, comenzar, iniciar2) cause: provocar, causar3) establish: fundar, montar, establecerto start a business: montar un negocio4) : arrancar, poner en marcha, encenderto start the car: arrancar el motorstart n1) jump: sobresalto m, respingo m2) beginning: principio m, comienzo mto get an early start: salir tempranon.• arranque s.m.• comienzo s.m.• inicio s.m.• principio s.m.• respingo s.m.• salida (Deporte) s.f.• sobresalto s.m.• ventaja s.f. (a motor, etc.)v.• arrancar v.• poner en marcha v.v.• comenzar v.• despegar v.• empezar v.• entablar v.• fundar v.• iniciar v.• nacer v.• originar v.• principiar v.• romper v.stɑːrt, stɑːt
1)a) ( beginning) principio m, comienzo mat the start — al principio, al comienzo
from the start — desde el principio or comienzo
from start to finish — del principio al fin, desde el principio hasta el fin
to make a start (on something) — empezar* algo
to make an early start — empezar* temprano; ( on a journey) salir* temprano, ponerse* en camino a primera hora
to make a fresh o new start — empezar* or comenzar* de nuevo
to get (something) off to a good/bad start — empezar* (algo) bien or con el pie derecho/mal or con el pie izquierdo
b)2) ( Sport)a) ( of race) salida fb) (lead, advantage) ventaja f3) ( jump)to give a start — \<\<person/horse\>\> dar* un respingo
to give somebody a start — darle* or pegarle* un susto a alguien, asustar a alguien
1) ( begin) \<\<conversation/journey/negotiations\>\> empezar*, comenzar*, iniciar; \<\<job/course\>\> empezar*, comenzar*I start work at eight — empiezo or entro a trabajar a las ocho
to start -ING, to start to + INF — empezar* a + inf
2) ( cause to begin) \<\<race\>\> dar* comienzo a, largar* (CS, Méx); \<\<fire/epidemic\>\> provocar*; \<\<argument/fight\>\> empezar*; \<\<war\>\> \<\<incident\>\> desencadenarto get somebody started — (colloq) darle* cuerda a alguien (fam)
3) ( establish) \<\<business\>\> abrir*, montar; \<\<organization\>\> fundar4) ( cause to operate) \<\<engine/dishwasher\>\> encender*, prender (AmL); \<\<car\>\> arrancar*, hacer* partir (Chi)
1) vi2)a) ( begin) \<\<school/term/meeting\>\> empezar*, comenzar*, iniciarse (frml); \<\<noise/pain/journey/race\>\> empezar*, comenzar*prices start at $30 — cuestan a partir de 30 dólares
to get started — empezar*, comenzar*
to start again o (AmE also) over — volver* a empezar, empezar* or comenzar* de nuevo
to start BY -ING — empezar* por + inf
b)to start with — (as linker): primero or para empezar
3)a) ( originate) empezar*, originarseit all started from an idea I had as a student — todo surgió de una idea que tuve cuando era estudiante
b) ( be founded) ser* fundado4) ( set out) (+ adv compl)it's time we started (for) home — es hora de volver a casa, es hora de que nos pongamos en camino a casa
5) ( begin to operate) \<\<car\>\> arrancar*, partir (Chi); \<\<dishwasher\>\> empezar* a funcionar, ponerse* en marcha6) ( move suddenly) dar* un respingo; ( be frightened) asustarse, sobresaltarseshe started at the noise — el ruido la sobresaltó or la asustó
•Phrasal Verbs:- start on- start up[stɑːt]1. N1) (=beginning) principio m, comienzo m•
at the start — al principio, en un principioat the very start — muy al principio, en los mismos comienzos
for a start — en primer lugar, para empezar•
from the start — desde el principio•
to get a good start in life — disfrutar de una infancia privilegiada•
to get off to a good/bad/slow start — empezar bien/mal/lentamente•
to give sb a (good) start in life — ayudar a algn a situarse en la vida•
to make a start — empezarto make an early start — (on journey) ponerse en camino temprano; (with job) empezar temprano
to make a fresh or new start in life — hacer vida nueva
2) (=departure) salida f (also Sport); (=starting line) línea f de salida3) (=advantage) ventaja f•
to give sb five minutes' or a five-minute start — dar a algn cinco minutos de ventaja•
to have a start on sb — tener ventaja sobre algn4) (=fright etc) susto m, sobresalto m•
to give sb a start — asustar or dar un susto a algnwhat a start you gave me! — ¡qué susto me diste!
to wake with a start — despertarse sobresaltado2. VT1) (=begin) empezar, comenzar; [+ discussion etc] abrir, iniciar; [+ bottle] abrir; [+ quarrel, argument] empezar; [+ journey] iniciarto start a new cheque book/page — comenzar or empezar un talonario nuevo/una página nueva
don't start that again! — ¡no vuelvas a eso!
to start doing sth or to do sth — empezar a hacer algo
start moving! — ¡menearse!
start talking! — ¡desembucha!
to start the day right — empezar bien el día•
he started life as a labourer — empezó de or como peón•
he started work yesterday — entró a trabajar ayer2) (=cause to begin or happen) [+ fire] provocar; [+ war] [person, country] empezar, iniciar; [incident, act] desencadenar; [+ fashion] empezar, iniciar; [+ rumour, tradition] iniciar, dar comienzo ayou started it! — ¡tú diste el primer golpe!
3)• to get started — empezar, ponerse en marcha
to get sth started — [+ engine, car] poner algo en marcha, arrancar algo; [+ project] poner algo en marcha
to get sb started — (on activity) poner a algn en marcha; (in career) iniciar a algn en su carrera
don't start him (off) on that! — ¡no le des cuerda!
7) (=disturb)3. VI1) (=begin) empezar, comenzar; [conversation, discussion] iniciarse; [quarrel, argument] producirse; [fashion] empezar, iniciar; [war] estallar, empezar; [rumour, tradition] originarse; [fire] empezar, iniciarse; [music] empezarclasses start on Monday — las clases comienzan or empiezan el lunes
it started (off) rather well/badly — [film, match] empezó bastante bien/mal
he started (off or out) as a postman — empezó como or de carterohe started (off or out) as a Marxist — empezó como marxista
to start at the beginning — empezar desde el principio•
he started (off) by saying... — empezó por decir or diciendo...•
the route starts from here — la ruta sale de aquí•
to start (out or up) in business — montar or poner un negocio•
to start (off) with... — (=firstly) en primer lugar..., para empezar...; (=at the beginning) al principio..., en un principio...what shall we start (off) with? — ¿con qué empezamos?
he started (off or out) with the intention of writing a thesis — empezó con la intención de escribir una tesis
2) (=embark)•
to start on a task — emprender una tareato start on a book — (=begin reading) empezar a leer un libro; (=begin writing) empezar a escribir un libro
they started on another bottle — abrieron or empezaron otra botella
3) (also: start off, start out) (on journey) [person] partir, ponerse en camino; [bus, train, runner] salirto start (off or out) from London/for Madrid — salir de Londres/partir con rumbo a or para Madrid
5) (=jump nervously) asustarse, sobresaltarse (at a)6) [timber etc] combarse, torcerse; [rivets etc] soltarse- start in- start on- start up* * *[stɑːrt, stɑːt]
1)a) ( beginning) principio m, comienzo mat the start — al principio, al comienzo
from the start — desde el principio or comienzo
from start to finish — del principio al fin, desde el principio hasta el fin
to make a start (on something) — empezar* algo
to make an early start — empezar* temprano; ( on a journey) salir* temprano, ponerse* en camino a primera hora
to make a fresh o new start — empezar* or comenzar* de nuevo
to get (something) off to a good/bad start — empezar* (algo) bien or con el pie derecho/mal or con el pie izquierdo
b)2) ( Sport)a) ( of race) salida fb) (lead, advantage) ventaja f3) ( jump)to give a start — \<\<person/horse\>\> dar* un respingo
to give somebody a start — darle* or pegarle* un susto a alguien, asustar a alguien
1) ( begin) \<\<conversation/journey/negotiations\>\> empezar*, comenzar*, iniciar; \<\<job/course\>\> empezar*, comenzar*I start work at eight — empiezo or entro a trabajar a las ocho
to start -ING, to start to + INF — empezar* a + inf
2) ( cause to begin) \<\<race\>\> dar* comienzo a, largar* (CS, Méx); \<\<fire/epidemic\>\> provocar*; \<\<argument/fight\>\> empezar*; \<\<war\>\> \<\<incident\>\> desencadenarto get somebody started — (colloq) darle* cuerda a alguien (fam)
3) ( establish) \<\<business\>\> abrir*, montar; \<\<organization\>\> fundar4) ( cause to operate) \<\<engine/dishwasher\>\> encender*, prender (AmL); \<\<car\>\> arrancar*, hacer* partir (Chi)
1) vi2)a) ( begin) \<\<school/term/meeting\>\> empezar*, comenzar*, iniciarse (frml); \<\<noise/pain/journey/race\>\> empezar*, comenzar*prices start at $30 — cuestan a partir de 30 dólares
to get started — empezar*, comenzar*
to start again o (AmE also) over — volver* a empezar, empezar* or comenzar* de nuevo
to start BY -ING — empezar* por + inf
b)to start with — (as linker): primero or para empezar
3)a) ( originate) empezar*, originarseit all started from an idea I had as a student — todo surgió de una idea que tuve cuando era estudiante
b) ( be founded) ser* fundado4) ( set out) (+ adv compl)it's time we started (for) home — es hora de volver a casa, es hora de que nos pongamos en camino a casa
5) ( begin to operate) \<\<car\>\> arrancar*, partir (Chi); \<\<dishwasher\>\> empezar* a funcionar, ponerse* en marcha6) ( move suddenly) dar* un respingo; ( be frightened) asustarse, sobresaltarseshe started at the noise — el ruido la sobresaltó or la asustó
•Phrasal Verbs:- start on- start up -
verb1) (to leave or begin a journey: We shall have to start at 5.30 a.m. in order to get to the boat in time.)2) (to begin: He starts working at six o'clock every morning; She started to cry; She starts her new job next week; Haven't you started (on) your meal yet?; What time does the play start?)3) (to (cause an engine etc to) begin to work: I can't start the car; The car won't start; The clock stopped but I started it again.)4) (to cause something to begin or begin happening etc: One of the students decided to start a college magazine.)
2. noun1) (the beginning of an activity, journey, race etc: I told him at the start that his idea would not succeed; The runners lined up at the start; He stayed in the lead after a good start; I shall have to make a start on that work.)2) (in a race etc, the advantage of beginning before or further forward than others, or the amount of time, distance etc gained through this: The youngest child in the race got a start of five metres; The driver of the stolen car already had twenty minutes' start before the police began the pursuit.)•- starter- starting-point
- for a start
- get off to a good
- bad start
- start off
- start out
- start up
- to start with
verb(to jump or jerk suddenly because of fright, surprise etc: The sudden noise made me start.)
2. noun1) (a sudden movement of the body: He gave a start of surprise.)2) (a shock: What a start the news gave me!)start1 n1. principio2. salidathere's a lot of work, let's make a start! hay mucho trabajo, ¡empecemos!start2 vb1. empezarwhat time does it start? ¿a qué hora empieza?2. arrancartr[stɑːt]1 (gen) principio, comienzo, inicio3 (fright, jump) susto, sobresalto■ what a start you gave me! ¡qué susto me has pegado!1 (begin - gen) empezar, comenzar, iniciar; (- conversation) entablar■ what time do you start work? ¿a qué hora empiezas a trabajar?■ she started to cry empezó a llorar, arrancó a llorar2 (cause to begin - fire, epidemic) provocar; (- argument, fight, war, etc) empezar, iniciar■ you've started me thinking me has hecho pensar, me has dado que pensar3 (set up - business) montar, poner; (- organization) fundar, establecer, crear4 (set in motion - machine) poner en marcha; (- vehicle) arrancar, poner en marcha1 (begin) empezar, comenzar■ what time does it start? ¿a qué hora comienza?■ don't start, honey no empieces, cariño■ starting from Tuesday a partir del martes, empezando el martes2 (be set up - business) ser fundado,-a, fundarse, crearse3 (begin to operate) ponerse en marcha, empezar a funcionar; (car) arrancar4 (begin journey) salir, partir, ponerse en camino5 (jump) asustarse, sobresaltarse\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLfor a start para empezarto get off to a bad start empezar malto get off to a good start empezar biento get started empezarto make a fresh start volver a empezarto make a start on something empezar algoto start a family tener hijosstart ['stɑrt] vi1) jump: levantarse de un salto, sobresaltarse, dar un respingo2) begin: empezar, comenzar3) set out: salir (de viaje, etc.)4) : arrancar (dícese de un motor)start vt1) begin: empezar, comenzar, iniciar2) cause: provocar, causar3) establish: fundar, montar, establecerto start a business: montar un negocio4) : arrancar, poner en marcha, encenderto start the car: arrancar el motorstart n1) jump: sobresalto m, respingo m2) beginning: principio m, comienzo mto get an early start: salir tempranon.• arranque s.m.• comienzo s.m.• inicio s.m.• principio s.m.• respingo s.m.• salida (Deporte) s.f.• sobresalto s.m.• ventaja s.f. (a motor, etc.)v.• arrancar v.• poner en marcha v.v.• comenzar v.• despegar v.• empezar v.• entablar v.• fundar v.• iniciar v.• nacer v.• originar v.• principiar v.• romper v.stɑːrt, stɑːt
1)a) ( beginning) principio m, comienzo mat the start — al principio, al comienzo
from the start — desde el principio or comienzo
from start to finish — del principio al fin, desde el principio hasta el fin
to make a start (on something) — empezar* algo
to make an early start — empezar* temprano; ( on a journey) salir* temprano, ponerse* en camino a primera hora
to make a fresh o new start — empezar* or comenzar* de nuevo
to get (something) off to a good/bad start — empezar* (algo) bien or con el pie derecho/mal or con el pie izquierdo
b)2) ( Sport)a) ( of race) salida fb) (lead, advantage) ventaja f3) ( jump)to give a start — \<\<person/horse\>\> dar* un respingo
to give somebody a start — darle* or pegarle* un susto a alguien, asustar a alguien
1) ( begin) \<\<conversation/journey/negotiations\>\> empezar*, comenzar*, iniciar; \<\<job/course\>\> empezar*, comenzar*I start work at eight — empiezo or entro a trabajar a las ocho
to start -ING, to start to + INF — empezar* a + inf
2) ( cause to begin) \<\<race\>\> dar* comienzo a, largar* (CS, Méx); \<\<fire/epidemic\>\> provocar*; \<\<argument/fight\>\> empezar*; \<\<war\>\> \<\<incident\>\> desencadenarto get somebody started — (colloq) darle* cuerda a alguien (fam)
3) ( establish) \<\<business\>\> abrir*, montar; \<\<organization\>\> fundar4) ( cause to operate) \<\<engine/dishwasher\>\> encender*, prender (AmL); \<\<car\>\> arrancar*, hacer* partir (Chi)
1) vi2)a) ( begin) \<\<school/term/meeting\>\> empezar*, comenzar*, iniciarse (frml); \<\<noise/pain/journey/race\>\> empezar*, comenzar*prices start at $30 — cuestan a partir de 30 dólares
to get started — empezar*, comenzar*
to start again o (AmE also) over — volver* a empezar, empezar* or comenzar* de nuevo
to start BY -ING — empezar* por + inf
b)to start with — (as linker): primero or para empezar
3)a) ( originate) empezar*, originarseit all started from an idea I had as a student — todo surgió de una idea que tuve cuando era estudiante
b) ( be founded) ser* fundado4) ( set out) (+ adv compl)it's time we started (for) home — es hora de volver a casa, es hora de que nos pongamos en camino a casa
5) ( begin to operate) \<\<car\>\> arrancar*, partir (Chi); \<\<dishwasher\>\> empezar* a funcionar, ponerse* en marcha6) ( move suddenly) dar* un respingo; ( be frightened) asustarse, sobresaltarseshe started at the noise — el ruido la sobresaltó or la asustó
•Phrasal Verbs:- start on- start up[stɑːt]N ABBR = Strategic Arms Reduction Talks* * *[stɑːrt, stɑːt]
1)a) ( beginning) principio m, comienzo mat the start — al principio, al comienzo
from the start — desde el principio or comienzo
from start to finish — del principio al fin, desde el principio hasta el fin
to make a start (on something) — empezar* algo
to make an early start — empezar* temprano; ( on a journey) salir* temprano, ponerse* en camino a primera hora
to make a fresh o new start — empezar* or comenzar* de nuevo
to get (something) off to a good/bad start — empezar* (algo) bien or con el pie derecho/mal or con el pie izquierdo
b)2) ( Sport)a) ( of race) salida fb) (lead, advantage) ventaja f3) ( jump)to give a start — \<\<person/horse\>\> dar* un respingo
to give somebody a start — darle* or pegarle* un susto a alguien, asustar a alguien
1) ( begin) \<\<conversation/journey/negotiations\>\> empezar*, comenzar*, iniciar; \<\<job/course\>\> empezar*, comenzar*I start work at eight — empiezo or entro a trabajar a las ocho
to start -ING, to start to + INF — empezar* a + inf
2) ( cause to begin) \<\<race\>\> dar* comienzo a, largar* (CS, Méx); \<\<fire/epidemic\>\> provocar*; \<\<argument/fight\>\> empezar*; \<\<war\>\> \<\<incident\>\> desencadenarto get somebody started — (colloq) darle* cuerda a alguien (fam)
3) ( establish) \<\<business\>\> abrir*, montar; \<\<organization\>\> fundar4) ( cause to operate) \<\<engine/dishwasher\>\> encender*, prender (AmL); \<\<car\>\> arrancar*, hacer* partir (Chi)
1) vi2)a) ( begin) \<\<school/term/meeting\>\> empezar*, comenzar*, iniciarse (frml); \<\<noise/pain/journey/race\>\> empezar*, comenzar*prices start at $30 — cuestan a partir de 30 dólares
to get started — empezar*, comenzar*
to start again o (AmE also) over — volver* a empezar, empezar* or comenzar* de nuevo
to start BY -ING — empezar* por + inf
b)to start with — (as linker): primero or para empezar
3)a) ( originate) empezar*, originarseit all started from an idea I had as a student — todo surgió de una idea que tuve cuando era estudiante
b) ( be founded) ser* fundado4) ( set out) (+ adv compl)it's time we started (for) home — es hora de volver a casa, es hora de que nos pongamos en camino a casa
5) ( begin to operate) \<\<car\>\> arrancar*, partir (Chi); \<\<dishwasher\>\> empezar* a funcionar, ponerse* en marcha6) ( move suddenly) dar* un respingo; ( be frightened) asustarse, sobresaltarseshe started at the noise — el ruido la sobresaltó or la asustó
•Phrasal Verbs:- start on- start up -
14 time
1. noun1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) hora2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) tiempo3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) momento; hora4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') tiempo5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) momento6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) vez7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) época, período; momentos8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) tempo
2. verb1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) cronometrar2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) escoger el momento de/para•- timeless- timelessly
- timelessness
- timely
- timeliness
- timer
- times
- timing
- time bomb
- time-consuming
- time limit
- time off
- time out
- timetable
- all in good time
- all the time
- at times
- be behind time
- for the time being
- from time to time
- in good time
- in time
- no time at all
- no time
- one
- two at a time
- on time
- save
- waste time
- take one's time
- time and time again
- time and again
time1 n1. tiempowhat do you do in your free time? ¿qué haces en tu tiempo libre?2. vezhow many times have you been to Italy? ¿cuántas veces has estado en Italia?3. horawhat time is it? ¿qué hora es?all the time todo el tiempo / constantementefor the time being por el momento / de momentoit's time... es hora de que...time2 vb calcular el tiempo / cronometrartr[taɪm]1 (period) tiempo2 (short period) rato3 (of day) hora■ what time is it? qué hora es?■ this time next week, we'll be on the beach la semana que viene a esta hora, estaremos en la playa■ by the time he gets here, it'll be time to go home cuando llegue él, será la hora de volver a casa4 (age, period, season) época5 (occasion) vez nombre femenino■ how many times have you been to London? ¿cuántas veces has estado en Londres?■ the last time I saw her,... la última vez que la vi,...6 (suitable moment) momento7 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL compás nombre masculino8 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL la hora de cerrar■ time now please! ¡hora de cerrar!9 familiar (imprisonment) condena1 (measure time) medir la duración de, calcular; (races, etc) cronometrar2 (schedule) estar previsto,-a■ the bomb was timed to explode during the parade la bomba estaba preparada para explotar durante el desfile1 veces nombre femenino plural■ 4 times 5 is 20 4 por 5 son 20, 4 veces 5 son 20\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALL(and) about time ya era horaall the time todo el rato, todo el tiempoat all times siempreat any time en cualquier momentoat no time nuncaat one time en un tiempoat the same time al mismo tiempoat the time / at that time entoncesat times a vecesbehind the times anticuado,-abehind time tardefor the time being de momentofrom time to time de vez en cuandoin no time (at all) en seguidain time to the music al compás de la músicamany a time a menudonot to give somebody the time of day no darle a alguien ni la horaon time puntualone/two/three at a time de uno en uno/de dos en dos/de tres en trestime after time una y otra veztime's up se acabó el tiempo, ya es la horato beat time marcar el compásto be ahead of one's time adelantarse a su épocato be badly/well timed (remark) ser inoportuno,-a/oportuno,-ato give somebody a hard time ponérselo difícil a alguien, hacérselo pasar mal a alguiento have a bad time pasarlas negrasto have a good time pasarlo biento have a lot of time for somebody caerle bien alguien a unoto have no time for somebody/something no soportar a alguien/algo, no tener tiempo para alguien/algoto keep up with the times estar al díato move with the times estar al díatime and motion study estudio de productividadtime bomb bomba de relojeríatime limit límite nombre masculino de tiempo, plazo límitetime off tiempo libretime out descansotime warp salto en el tiempotime zone huso horario1) schedule: fijar la hora de, calcular el momento oportuno para2) clock: cronometrar, medir el tiempo de (una competencia, etc.)time n1) : tiempo mthe passing of time: el paso del tiemposhe doesn't have time: no tiene tiempo2) moment: tiempo m, momento mthis is not the time to bring it up: no es el momento de sacar el tema3) : vez fshe called you three times: te llamó tres vecesthree times greater: tres veces mayor4) age: tiempo m, era fin your grandparents' time: en el tiempo de tus abuelos5) tempo: tiempo m, ritmo m (en música)6) : hora fwhat time is it?: ¿qué hora es?at the usual time: a la hora acostumbradato keep time: ir a la horato lose time: atrasar7) experience: rato m, experiencia fwe had a nice time together: pasamos juntos un rato agradableto have a rough time: pasarlo malhave a good time!: ¡que se diviertan!8)at times sometimes: a veces9)for the time being : por el momento, de momentofrom time to time occasionally: de vez en cuandoin time punctually: a tiempoin time eventually: con el tiempotime after time : una y otra vezadj.• a plazos adj.• de tiempo adj.• del tiempo adj.• horario, -a adj.n.• duración s.f.• edad s.f.• espera s.f.• hora s.f.• plazo s.m.• tempo s.m.• tiempo s.m.• vez s.f.• época s.f.v.• cronometrar v.• regular v.• tomar los tiempos (Deporte) v.
I taɪm1) noun2) u (past, present, future) tiempo mas time goes by o passes — a medida que pasa el tiempo, con el paso or el correr del tiempo
at this point o moment in time — en este momento, en el momento presente
time and tide wait for no man — el tiempo pasa inexorablemente; (before n) < travel> en el tiempo
time machine — máquina f del tiempo
3) u (time available, necessary for something) tiempo mcould I have five minutes of your time? — ¿podría concederme cinco minutos?
to make time for something — hacer(se)* or encontrar* tiempo para algo
to make time — ( hurry) (AmE colloq) darse* prisa, apurarse (AmL)
I spend all my time reading/thinking — me paso todo el tiempo leyendo/pensando
it takes time to get used to the climate — lleva or toma tiempo acostumbrarse al clima
it's worth taking a little extra time over the job — vale la pena dedicarle un poco más de tiempo al trabajo
to take one's time: just take your time tómate todo el tiempo que necesites or quieras; you took your time! cómo has tardado!; to buy time ganar tiempo; to have a lot of/no time for somebody/something: I have no time for people like her no soporto a la gente como ella; I've got a lot of time for him me cae muy bien; to have time on one's hands: I had time on my hands me sobraba el tiempo; to play for time — tratar de ganar tiempo
they lived in Paris for a time/for a long time — vivieron un tiempo/mucho tiempo or muchos años en París
long time no see! — (colloq) tanto tiempo (sin verte)!
some time later they moved to Brussels — (un) tiempo después se mudaron a Bruselas, tras cierto tiempo se mudaron a Bruselas
for some considerable time o for quite some time now there have been rumors that... — hace ya bastante tiempo que se rumorea que...
in an hour's/three months'/ten years' time — dentro de una horaes meses/diez años
cooking time — tiempo m de cocción
your time's up — se te (or les etc) ha acabado el tiempo
for the time being — por el momento, de momento
to serve o (colloq) do time — cumplir una condena, estar* a la sombra (fam)
5) (in phrases)all the time — ( constantly) constantemente; ( the whole period) todo el tiempo
in time — ( early enough) a tiempo; ( eventually) con el tiempo
all in good time — cada cosa a su tiempo, todo a su debido tiempo
in no time (at all) — rapidísimo, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un santiamén
6) u ( airtime) (Rad, TV) espacio m7) u c (for journey, race, task) tiempo mwhat's your fastest time over 400m? — ¿cuál es tu mejor tiempo or marca en los 400 metros?
8) u ( with respect to work)to take o (BrE also) have time off — tomarse tiempo libre
9)a) c (epoch, age) (often pl) época f, tiempo mat one time — en una época or un tiempo, en otros tiempos
in times of crisis — en épocas or tiempos de crisis
in Tudor times — en la época de los Tudor, en tiempos de los Tudor
there was a time when o time was when... — hubo un tiempo cuando...
in times to come — en el futuro, en tiempos venideros
to be ahead of one's time: he's ahead/he was ahead of his time se ha adelantado/se adelantó a su época; to be behind the times \<\<ideas\>\> ser* anticuado, estar* desfasado; \<\<person\>\> estar* atrasado de noticias (fam); to keep up with o abreast of the times — mantenerse* al día
b) u ( with respect to a person's life)that was before your time — eso fue antes de que tú nacieras (or empezaras a trabajar aquí etc)
I've seen some funny things in my time but... — he visto cosas raras en mi vida pero...
10)a) u ( by clock) hora fwhat's the time?, what time is it? — ¿qué hora es?
do you have the time? — ¿tienes hora?
the time is ten minutes to ten — son las diez menos diez minutos, son diez para las diez (AmL exc RPl)
to be able to tell the time o (AmE also) tell time — saber* (decir) la hora
British Summer Time — horario m de verano
Eastern Standard Time — ( in US) hora f de la costa atlántica
not to give somebody the time of day — no darle* a algn ni la hora
to pass the time of day (with somebody): now she never even passes the time of day with me ahora ni siquiera me saluda; we passed the time of day charlamos un ratito; (before n) time switch temporizador m; time zone — huso m horario
b) c u ( of event) hora fdo you know the times of the trains? — ¿sabes el horario de los trenes?
time FOR something/to + INF: we have to arrange a time for the next meeting tenemos que fijar una fecha y hora para la próxima reunión; is it time to go yet? ¿ya es hora de irse?; it's time you left o you were leaving es hora de que te vayas; at breakfast time — a la hora del desayuno
11) c ( point in time)at the present/this particular time — en este momento/este preciso momento
by that o this time we were really worried — para entonces ya estábamos preocupadísimos
from that time on — a partir de entonces, desde entonces
it's high time somebody did something — ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien haga algo
she's resigned, and not before time — ha renunciado, y ya era hora
my/her time has come — me/le ha llegado el momento
to die before one's time — morir* tempranamente or prematuramente
12) c (instance, occasion) vez fI've been there many a time o many times — he estado allí en numerosas ocasiones or muchas veces
nine times out of ten — en el noventa por ciento de los casos, la gran mayoría de las veces
let's leave it for another o some other time — dejémoslo para otro momento
you paid (the) last time — la última vez or la otra vez pagaste tú
for the last time: no! — por última vez no!
let's try one more time — probemos otra vez or una vez más
13) (in phrases)about time: it's about time someone told him ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien se lo diga; I've finished - and about time too! he terminado - ya era hora!; ahead of time: the first stage was completed ahead of time la primera fase se terminó antes de tiempo; any time: come any time ven cuando quieras or en cualquier momento; call me any time between nine and eleven llámame a cualquier hora entre las nueve y las once; I'd rather work for Mary any time yo prefiero trabajar para Mary, toda la vida (y cien años más); they should be here any time (now) en cualquier momento llegan, deben de estar por llegar de un momento al otro; at a time: four at a time de cuatro en cuatro or (AmL tb) de a cuatro; one at a time! de a uno!, uno por uno! or uno por vez!; I can only do one thing at a time sólo puedo hacer una cosa a la or por vez; for months at a time durante meses enteros; at the same time ( simultaneously) al mismo tiempo; ( however) (as linker) al mismo tiempo, de todas formas; at times a veces; at this time (AmE) ahora, en este momento; every time: I make the same mistake every time! siempre cometo el mismo error!; gin or whisky? - give me whisky every time! ¿ginebra or whisky? - para mí whisky, toda la vida; every o each time (as conj) ( whenever) cada vez; from time to time de vez en cuando; on time ( on schedule): the buses hardly ever run on time los autobuses casi nunca pasan a su hora or puntualmente; she's never on time nunca llega temprano, siempre llega tarde; time after time o time and (time) again — una y otra vez
14) c ( experience)to have a good/bad/hard time — pasarlo bien/mal/muy mal
have a good time! — que te diviertas (or que se diviertan etc)!, que lo pases (or pasen etc) bien!
don't give me a hard time — (esp AmE) no me mortifiques
thank you for a lovely time — gracias por todo, lo hemos pasado estupendamente
15) u ( Mus) compás mout of time — descompasado, fuera de compás
to beat/keep time — marcar*/seguir* el compás
to mark time — ( march on the spot) marcar* el paso; ( make no progress) hacer* tiempo; (before n)
time signature — llave f de tiempo
it's four times bigger — es cuatro veces más grande; (before n)
times table — tabla f de multiplicar
a) ( Sport) cronometrarb) ( choose time of)the demonstration was timeed to coincide with his arrival — la hora de la manifestación estaba calculada para coincidir con su llegada
[taɪm]his shot was badly timed — no calculó bien el momento en que debía chutar/disparar
1. N1) (gen) tiempo mas time goes on or by — con el (paso del) tiempo, a medida que pasa/pasaba el tiempo
for all time — para siempre•
Father Time — el Tiempo•
to find (the) time for sth — encontrar tiempo para algohow time flies! — ¡cómo pasa el tiempo!
to gain time — ganar tiempo•
half the time he's drunk — la mayor parte del tiempo está borracho•
to have (the) time (to do sth) — tener tiempo (para hacer algo)•
to make up for lost time — recuperar el tiempo perdido•
it's only a matter or question of time before it falls — solo es cuestión de tiempo antes de que caiga•
to take time, it takes time — requiere tiempo, lleva su tiempoit'll take time to get over the loss of her family — le llevará tiempo superar la pérdida de su familia
take your time! — tómate el tiempo que necesites, ¡no hay prisa!
you certainly took your time! — iro ¡no es precisamente que te mataras corriendo!
to have time on one's hands —
once you retire you'll have time on your hands — cuando te hayas jubilado, tendrás todo el tiempo del mundo
- kill time- pass the time of day with sb- play for time- be pressed for timespare, waste•
have you been here all this time? — ¿has estado aquí todo este tiempo?•
for the time being — por ahora, de momento•
a long time — mucho tiempoa long time ago — hace mucho (tiempo), hace tiempo
she'll be in a wheelchair for a long time to come — le queda mucho tiempo de estar en silla de ruedas por delante
in no time at all — en un abrir y cerrar de ojos•
it will last our time — durará lo que nosotros•
a short time — poco tiempo, un ratoa short time after — poco (tiempo) después, al poco tiempo
for some time past — de algún tiempo a esta parteafter some time she looked up at me/wrote to me — después de cierto tiempo levantó la vista hacia mí/me escribió, pasado algún tiempo levantó la vista hacia mí/me escribió
in a week's time — dentro de una semanain two weeks' time — en dos semanas, al cabo de dos semanas
- do timeserve3) (at work)full-time, part-time, short-time•
he did it in his own time — lo hizo en su tiempo libre or fuera de (las) horas de trabajo4) (=moment, point of time) momento m•
about time too! — ¡ya era hora!•
come (at) any time (you like) — ven cuando quierasit might happen (at) any time — podría ocurrir de un momento a otro or en cualquier momento
at times — a veces, a ratosat all times — siempre, en todo momento
to die before one's time — morir tempranonot before time! — ¡ya era hora!
between times — en los intervalos•
by the time he arrived — para cuando él llegóby this time — ya, antes de esto
to choose one's time carefully — elegir con cuidado el momento más propicio•
the time has come to leave — ha llegado el momento de irse•
at a convenient time — en un momento oportuno•
at any given time — en cualquier momento dado•
her time was drawing near — (to give birth) se acercaba el momento de dar a luz; (to die) estaba llegando al final de su vida•
it's high time you got a job — ya va siendo hora de que consigas un trabajo•
at my time of life — a mi edad, con los años que yo tengo•
at no time did I mention it — no lo mencioné en ningún momento•
now is the time to go — ahora es el momento de irse•
from that time on — a partir de entonces, desde entonces•
at one time — en cierto momento, en cierta época•
this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it — este no es ni el momento ni el lugar oportuno para hablar de eso•
at the present time — actualmente, en la actualidad•
at the proper time — en el momento oportuno•
at the same time — (=simultaneously) al mismo tiempo, a la vez; (=even so) al mismo tiempo, por otro lado•
until such time as he agrees — hasta que consienta•
at that time — por entonces, en aquel entonces, en aquella épocabide•
at this particular time — en este preciso momento5) (by clock) hora fwhat's the time? — ¿qué hora es?
the time is 2.30 — son las dos y media
"time gentlemen please!" — "¡se cierra!"
to arrive ahead of time — llegar temprano•
at any time of the day or night — en cualquier momento or a cualquier hora del día o de la noche•
to be 30 minutes behind time — llevar 30 minutos de retraso•
it's coffee time — es la hora del café•
it's time for the news — es (la) hora de las noticias•
let me know in good time — avíseme con anticipaciónto start in good time — partir a tiempo, partir pronto
have you got the (right) time? — ¿tiene la hora (exacta)?•
we were just in time to see it — llegamos justo a tiempo para verlo•
a watch that keeps good time — un reloj muy exacto•
just look at the time! — ¡fíjate qué hora es ya!, ¡mira qué tarde es!see closing, opening•
to be on time — [person] ser puntual, llegar puntualmente; [train, plane] llegar puntual6) (=era, period) tiempo m, época fin Elizabethan times — en tiempos isabelinos, en la época isabelina
what times they were!, what times we had! — ¡qué tiempos aquellos!
to be ahead of one's time — adelantarse a su época•
that was all before my time — todo eso fue antes de mis tiempos•
to be behind the times — [person] estar atrasado de noticias; [thing, idea] estar fuera de moda, haber quedado anticuado•
how times change! — ¡cómo cambian las cosas!•
to keep abreast of or up with the times — ir con los tiempos, mantenerse al día•
the times we live in — los tiempos en que vivimos•
in modern times — en tiempos modernos•
to move with the times — ir con los tiempos, mantenerse al díasign•
time was when... — hubo un tiempo en que...7) (=experience)to have a bad or rough or thin time (of it) — pasarlo mal, pasarlas negras
to have a good time — pasarlo bien, divertirse•
we have a lovely time — lo pasamos la mar de bien *big-timeto make the big time — alcanzar el éxito, triunfar
8) (=occasion) vez fI remember the time he came here — recuerdo la ocasión en que vino por aquí, me acuerdo de cuando vino por aquí
to carry three boxes at a time — llevar tres cajas a la vezfor weeks at a time — durante semanas enteras or seguidas
it's the best, every time! — ¡es el mejor, no hay duda!
give me beer every time! — ¡para mí, siempre cerveza!
the first time I did it — la primera vez que lo hice•
last time — la última vez•
many times — muchas vecesmany's the time... — no una vez, sino muchas...
next time — la próxima vez, a la próxima (esp LAm)•
several times — varias veces•
this time — esta vez•
at various times in the past — en determinados momentos del pasado9) (Mus) compás min 3/4 time — al compás de 3 por 4
to beat time — marcar el compás•
in time to the music — al compás de la música•
to keep time — llevar el compásbeat 2., 4), mark II, 2., 7)•
to get out of time — perder el compás10) (Math)it's five times faster than or as fast as yours — es cinco veces más rápido que el tuyo
11) (Mech)2. VT1) (=schedule) planear, calcular; (=choose time of) [+ remark, request] elegir el momento parathe race is timed for 8.30 — el comienzo de la carrera está previsto para las 8.30
the bomb was timed to explode five minutes later — la bomba estaba sincronizada para explotar cinco minutos más tarde
ill-timed, well-timedthe strike was carefully timed to cause maximum disruption — se había escogido el momento de la huelga para ocasionar el mayor trastorno posible
to time o.s. — cronometrarse
3.CPDtime and motion study N — estudio m de tiempos y movimientos
time capsule N — cápsula f del tiempo
time check N — (Sport) control m de tiempos
can I have a time check, please? — ¿qué hora es ahora, por favor?
time clock N — reloj m registrador, reloj m de control de asistencia
time deposit N — (US) depósito m a plazo
time difference N — diferencia f horaria
time exposure N — (Phot) exposición f
time frame N — margen m de tiempo
time fuse N — temporizador m, espoleta f graduada, espoleta f de tiempo
time lag N — (=delay) retraso m; (=lack of synchronization) desfase m
time limit N — plazo m, límite m de tiempo; (=closing date) fecha f tope
time loan N — (US) préstamo m a plazo fijo
time machine N — máquina f de transporte a través del tiempo
time management N — gestión f del tiempo
time management consultant N — consultor(a) m / f de gestión del tiempo
time management course N — curso m de gestión del tiempo
time management skills NPL — técnicas fpl de gestión del tiempo
time management training N — formación f en gestión del tiempo
time off N — (=free time) tiempo m libre
you'll have to take some time off when your wife has her operation — tendrás que tomarte unos días de vacaciones cuando operen a tu mujer
time out N — (esp US) (Sport) (also fig) tiempo m muerto
to take time out (from sth/from doing sth) — descansar (de algo/de hacer algo)
time payment N — (US) pago m a plazos
time saver N —
time sheet N — = time card
time signal N — señal f horaria
time signature N — (Mus) compás m, signatura f de compás
time slice N — fracción f de tiempo
time switch N — interruptor m horario
time trial N — (Cycling) prueba f contra reloj, contrarreloj f
* * *
I [taɪm]1) noun2) u (past, present, future) tiempo mas time goes by o passes — a medida que pasa el tiempo, con el paso or el correr del tiempo
at this point o moment in time — en este momento, en el momento presente
time and tide wait for no man — el tiempo pasa inexorablemente; (before n) < travel> en el tiempo
time machine — máquina f del tiempo
3) u (time available, necessary for something) tiempo mcould I have five minutes of your time? — ¿podría concederme cinco minutos?
to make time for something — hacer(se)* or encontrar* tiempo para algo
to make time — ( hurry) (AmE colloq) darse* prisa, apurarse (AmL)
I spend all my time reading/thinking — me paso todo el tiempo leyendo/pensando
it takes time to get used to the climate — lleva or toma tiempo acostumbrarse al clima
it's worth taking a little extra time over the job — vale la pena dedicarle un poco más de tiempo al trabajo
to take one's time: just take your time tómate todo el tiempo que necesites or quieras; you took your time! cómo has tardado!; to buy time ganar tiempo; to have a lot of/no time for somebody/something: I have no time for people like her no soporto a la gente como ella; I've got a lot of time for him me cae muy bien; to have time on one's hands: I had time on my hands me sobraba el tiempo; to play for time — tratar de ganar tiempo
they lived in Paris for a time/for a long time — vivieron un tiempo/mucho tiempo or muchos años en París
long time no see! — (colloq) tanto tiempo (sin verte)!
some time later they moved to Brussels — (un) tiempo después se mudaron a Bruselas, tras cierto tiempo se mudaron a Bruselas
for some considerable time o for quite some time now there have been rumors that... — hace ya bastante tiempo que se rumorea que...
in an hour's/three months'/ten years' time — dentro de una hora/tres meses/diez años
cooking time — tiempo m de cocción
your time's up — se te (or les etc) ha acabado el tiempo
for the time being — por el momento, de momento
to serve o (colloq) do time — cumplir una condena, estar* a la sombra (fam)
5) (in phrases)all the time — ( constantly) constantemente; ( the whole period) todo el tiempo
in time — ( early enough) a tiempo; ( eventually) con el tiempo
all in good time — cada cosa a su tiempo, todo a su debido tiempo
in no time (at all) — rapidísimo, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un santiamén
6) u ( airtime) (Rad, TV) espacio m7) u c (for journey, race, task) tiempo mwhat's your fastest time over 400m? — ¿cuál es tu mejor tiempo or marca en los 400 metros?
8) u ( with respect to work)to take o (BrE also) have time off — tomarse tiempo libre
9)a) c (epoch, age) (often pl) época f, tiempo mat one time — en una época or un tiempo, en otros tiempos
in times of crisis — en épocas or tiempos de crisis
in Tudor times — en la época de los Tudor, en tiempos de los Tudor
there was a time when o time was when... — hubo un tiempo cuando...
in times to come — en el futuro, en tiempos venideros
to be ahead of one's time: he's ahead/he was ahead of his time se ha adelantado/se adelantó a su época; to be behind the times \<\<ideas\>\> ser* anticuado, estar* desfasado; \<\<person\>\> estar* atrasado de noticias (fam); to keep up with o abreast of the times — mantenerse* al día
b) u ( with respect to a person's life)that was before your time — eso fue antes de que tú nacieras (or empezaras a trabajar aquí etc)
I've seen some funny things in my time but... — he visto cosas raras en mi vida pero...
10)a) u ( by clock) hora fwhat's the time?, what time is it? — ¿qué hora es?
do you have the time? — ¿tienes hora?
the time is ten minutes to ten — son las diez menos diez minutos, son diez para las diez (AmL exc RPl)
to be able to tell the time o (AmE also) tell time — saber* (decir) la hora
British Summer Time — horario m de verano
Eastern Standard Time — ( in US) hora f de la costa atlántica
not to give somebody the time of day — no darle* a algn ni la hora
to pass the time of day (with somebody): now she never even passes the time of day with me ahora ni siquiera me saluda; we passed the time of day charlamos un ratito; (before n) time switch temporizador m; time zone — huso m horario
b) c u ( of event) hora fdo you know the times of the trains? — ¿sabes el horario de los trenes?
time FOR something/to + INF: we have to arrange a time for the next meeting tenemos que fijar una fecha y hora para la próxima reunión; is it time to go yet? ¿ya es hora de irse?; it's time you left o you were leaving es hora de que te vayas; at breakfast time — a la hora del desayuno
11) c ( point in time)at the present/this particular time — en este momento/este preciso momento
by that o this time we were really worried — para entonces ya estábamos preocupadísimos
from that time on — a partir de entonces, desde entonces
it's high time somebody did something — ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien haga algo
she's resigned, and not before time — ha renunciado, y ya era hora
my/her time has come — me/le ha llegado el momento
to die before one's time — morir* tempranamente or prematuramente
12) c (instance, occasion) vez fI've been there many a time o many times — he estado allí en numerosas ocasiones or muchas veces
nine times out of ten — en el noventa por ciento de los casos, la gran mayoría de las veces
let's leave it for another o some other time — dejémoslo para otro momento
you paid (the) last time — la última vez or la otra vez pagaste tú
for the last time: no! — por última vez no!
let's try one more time — probemos otra vez or una vez más
13) (in phrases)about time: it's about time someone told him ya es hora or ya va siendo hora de que alguien se lo diga; I've finished - and about time too! he terminado - ya era hora!; ahead of time: the first stage was completed ahead of time la primera fase se terminó antes de tiempo; any time: come any time ven cuando quieras or en cualquier momento; call me any time between nine and eleven llámame a cualquier hora entre las nueve y las once; I'd rather work for Mary any time yo prefiero trabajar para Mary, toda la vida (y cien años más); they should be here any time (now) en cualquier momento llegan, deben de estar por llegar de un momento al otro; at a time: four at a time de cuatro en cuatro or (AmL tb) de a cuatro; one at a time! de a uno!, uno por uno! or uno por vez!; I can only do one thing at a time sólo puedo hacer una cosa a la or por vez; for months at a time durante meses enteros; at the same time ( simultaneously) al mismo tiempo; ( however) (as linker) al mismo tiempo, de todas formas; at times a veces; at this time (AmE) ahora, en este momento; every time: I make the same mistake every time! siempre cometo el mismo error!; gin or whisky? - give me whisky every time! ¿ginebra or whisky? - para mí whisky, toda la vida; every o each time (as conj) ( whenever) cada vez; from time to time de vez en cuando; on time ( on schedule): the buses hardly ever run on time los autobuses casi nunca pasan a su hora or puntualmente; she's never on time nunca llega temprano, siempre llega tarde; time after time o time and (time) again — una y otra vez
14) c ( experience)to have a good/bad/hard time — pasarlo bien/mal/muy mal
have a good time! — que te diviertas (or que se diviertan etc)!, que lo pases (or pasen etc) bien!
don't give me a hard time — (esp AmE) no me mortifiques
thank you for a lovely time — gracias por todo, lo hemos pasado estupendamente
15) u ( Mus) compás mout of time — descompasado, fuera de compás
to beat/keep time — marcar*/seguir* el compás
to mark time — ( march on the spot) marcar* el paso; ( make no progress) hacer* tiempo; (before n)
time signature — llave f de tiempo
it's four times bigger — es cuatro veces más grande; (before n)
times table — tabla f de multiplicar
a) ( Sport) cronometrarb) ( choose time of)the demonstration was timeed to coincide with his arrival — la hora de la manifestación estaba calculada para coincidir con su llegada
his shot was badly timed — no calculó bien el momento en que debía chutar/disparar
15 start
[stɑ:t, Am stɑ:rt] nthe race got off to an exciting \start das Rennen fing spannend an;promising \start viel versprechender Anfang;to give sb a \start jdm Starthilfe geben ( fig)Uncle Bill has agreed to give Jenny a \start in his business Onkel Bill ist einverstanden, Jenny bei ihrem Start ins Berufsleben zu helfen, indem er sie in seinem Unternehmen anfangen lässt;to make an early/late \start früh/spät beginnen;to make a fresh \start einen neuen Anfang machen, noch einmal beginnen;at the [very] \start of sth [ganz] am Anfang einer S. gen;at the \start of the opera zu Beginn der Oper;at the \start of the week [am] Anfang der Woche;from the \start von Anfang an;from \start to finish von Anfang bis Ende;for a \start zunächst [einmal];we'll take names and phone numbers for a \start wir notieren zunächst einmal Namen und Telefonnummernearly/late \start früher/später Start;false \start Fehlstart mto have a good \start in life einen guten Start ins Leben haben;to have a \start [on sb] [jdm gegenüber] einen Vorsprung haben;to get the \start of sb ( Brit) jdn überrunden;to give sb a \start jdm einen Vorsprung gebenhe woke with a \start er schreckte aus dem Schlaf hoch;to give a \start zusammenzucken;to give sb a \start jdn erschrecken;you gave me such a \start! du hast mich so erschreckt!PHRASES:to do sth by fits and \starts etw stoßweise tun;it's a rum \start, John's wife turning up alone in Manchester like that es ist schon komisch, dass Johns Frau so allein in Manchester auftaucht;it's a queer \start when the boss suddenly comes all over friendly irgendetwas stimmt nicht, wenn der Chef auf einmal so freundlich ist vi1) ( begin) anfangen;there are performances all day on the hour \starting at 10 o'clock ab 10 Uhr gibt es stündlich den ganzen Tag Aufführungen;we only knew two people in London to \start with anfangs kannten wir nur zwei Leute in London;don't \start! hör auf [damit]! ( fam)don't \start - I've already told you why it's not possible fang nicht schon wieder [damit] an - ich habe dir schon gesagt, warum es nicht geht;don't you \start! jetzt fang du nicht auch noch an! ( fam)to \start at the beginning ( said to begin a narration) vorn anfangen;well, to \start at the beginning,... nun, zunächst einmal muss man sagen, dass...;to \start afresh [or [all over] again] von neuem beginnen;to \start to do sth anfangen[,] etw zu tun;to \start by doing sth mit etw dat beginnen;you could \start by weeding the flowerbeds du könntest mit dem Unkrautjäten in den Blumenbeeten beginnen;to get \started [on sth] [mit etw dat] beginnen;let's get \started on this load of work lasst uns mit der vielen Arbeit anfangen;let's \start lass uns anfangen, packen wir's an ( fam)to \start on sth mit etw dat beginnen;to \start with,... ( fam) zunächst einmal...2) (fam: begin harassing, attacking)3) ( begin a journey) losfahren;we'll need to \start early wir müssen früh los[fahren];to \start after sb/ sth jdm/etw folgen5) ( begin happening) beginnen;the relaxation class is \starting [up] next month die Entspannungsgymnastik findet nächsten Monat zum ersten Mal statt6) ( jump in surprise) zusammenfahren, hochfahren;he \started at the sound of the phone er fuhr beim Klingeln des Telefons hoch;to \start out of sleep aus dem Schlaf hochfahren [o hochschrecken] vt1) ( begin)to \start [doing] sth anfangen[,] etw zu tun;when do you \start your new job? wann fängst du mit deiner neuen Stelle an?;he \started his career as an accountant er begann seine Karriere als Buchhalter;he \started work at 16 mit 16 begann er zu arbeiten;we \start work at 6.30 every morning wir fangen jeden Morgen um 6.30 Uhr mit der Arbeit an;to \start a family eine Familie gründen2) ( set in motion)to \start sth etw ins Leben rufen;the new magazine will \start publication in November das neue Magazin wird im November zum ersten Mal erscheinen;to \start a fire Feuer machen;to \start litigation einen Prozess anstrengen, vor Gericht gehen;to \start legal proceedings gerichtliche Schritte unternehmen [o einleiten];to \start a meeting eine Sitzung eröffnen;to \start trouble Ärger machen;3) mechto \start sth etw einschalten;to \start a car ein Auto starten;to \start a machine eine Maschine anstellen;to \start a motor einen Motor anlassen4) econto \start a business ein Unternehmen gründen;to \start sb in sth jdm bei etw dat Starthilfe geben;Paul \started him in the dairy business Paul verschaffte ihm einen Start in der Molkereito \start sb doing sth jdn dazu veranlassen, etw zu tun -
16 time
17 start
start [stɑ:t]commencement ⇒ 1 (a) début ⇒ 1 (a) départ ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (b) avance ⇒ 1 (c) sursaut ⇒ 1 (d) commencer ⇒ 2 (a), 3 (a), 3 (c) amorcer ⇒ 2 (a) déclencher ⇒ 2 (b) démarrer ⇒ 2 (d), 3 (d), 3 (f) se mettre en marche ⇒ 3 (d) créer ⇒ 2 (f) installer ⇒ 2 (g) débuter ⇒ 3 (b) partir ⇒ 3 (e) sursauter ⇒ 3 (g)1 noun(a) (beginning → gen) commencement m, début m; (→ of inquiry) ouverture f; (of journey, race) départ m;∎ it's the start of a new era c'est le début ou le commencement d'une ère nouvelle;∎ the start of the school year la rentrée scolaire;∎ the start of the footpath is marked by an arrow le début du sentier est signalé par une flèche;∎ £5 isn't much, but it's a start 5 livres ce n'est pas grand-chose, mais c'est un début;∎ I've cleaned the kitchen - well, it's a start j'ai nettoyé la cuisine - eh bien, c'est déjà ça;∎ things are off to a bad/good start ça commence mal/bien, c'est mal/bien parti;∎ my new boss and I didn't get off to a very good start dès le début, mes rapports avec mon nouveau patron ont été un peu difficiles;∎ it was a good/bad start to the day la journée commençait bien/mal;∎ it was an inauspicious start to his presidency c'était un début peu prometteur pour sa présidence;∎ to get a good start in life prendre un bon départ dans la vie ou l'existence;∎ we want an education that will give our children a good start nous voulons une éducation qui donne à nos enfants des bases solides;∎ a second honeymoon will give us a fresh start une deuxième lune de miel nous fera repartir d'un bon pied;∎ the programme will give ex-prisoners a fresh or new start (in life) le programme va donner aux anciens détenus une seconde chance (dans la vie);∎ to make or to get an early start (gen) commencer de bonne heure; (on journey) partir de bonne heure;∎ to make a start on sth commencer qch;∎ I've made a good start on my Christmas shopping j'ai déjà fait une bonne partie de mes achats de Noël;∎ I was lonely at the start au début je me sentais seule;∎ at the start of the war au début de la guerre;∎ at the very start au tout début;∎ (right) from the start dès le début ou commencement;∎ the trip was a disaster from start to finish le voyage a été un désastre d'un bout à l'autre;∎ I laughed from start to finish j'ai ri du début à la fin;∎ the project was ill-conceived from start to finish le projet était mal conçu de bout en bout∎ they are lined up for or at the start ils sont sur la ligne de départ;∎ where's the start of the rally? où est le départ du rallye?;∎ wait for the start attendez le signal de départ(c) (lead, advance) avance f;∎ she has two hours' start or a two-hour start on us elle a une avance de deux heures sur nous;∎ he gave him 20 metres' start or a 20-metre start il lui a accordé une avance de 20 mètres;∎ our research gives us a start over our competitors nos recherches nous donnent de l'avance sur nos concurrents;∎ to have a start on sb être en avance sur qn∎ she woke up with a start elle s'est réveillée en sursaut;∎ with a start, I recognized my own handwriting j'ai eu un sursaut quand j'ai reconnu ma propre écriture;∎ he gave a start il a tressailli, il a sursauté;∎ to give sb a start faire sursauter ou tressaillir qn;∎ you gave me such a start! tu m'as fait une de ces peurs!∎ I've started the first chapter (write) j'ai commencé (à écrire) le premier chapitre; (read) j'ai commencé (à lire) le premier chapitre;∎ to start doing or to do sth commencer à ou se mettre à faire qch;∎ it's starting to rain il commence à pleuvoir;∎ it had just started raining or to rain when I left il venait juste de commencer à pleuvoir quand je suis parti;∎ she started driving or to drive again a month after her accident elle a recommencé à conduire ou elle s'est remise à conduire un mois après son accident;∎ to start school (for the first time) commencer l'école; (after holidays) rentrer à ou reprendre l'école;∎ she started her speech with a quotation from the Bible elle a commencé son discours par une citation de la Bible;∎ I started my investigation with a visit to Carl j'ai commencé mon enquête par une visite chez Carl;∎ they started the year with a deficit ils ont commencé l'année avec un déficit;∎ he started work at sixteen il a commencé à travailler à seize ans;∎ when do you start your new job? quand commencez-vous votre nouveau travail?;∎ he started life as a delivery boy il débuta dans la vie comme garçon livreur;∎ frogs start life as tadpoles les grenouilles commencent par être des têtards;∎ go ahead and start lunch without me allez-y, vous pouvez commencer (à déjeuner) sans moi;∎ I like to finish anything I start j'aime aller au bout de tout ce que j'entreprends;∎ I think I'm starting a cold je crois que j'ai attrapé un rhume;∎ to get started (person → on task) commencer, s'y mettre; (→ on journey) partir, se mettre en route; (→ in career) débuter, démarrer;∎ I got started on the dishes j'ai commencé la vaisselle;∎ shall we get started on the washing-up? si on attaquait la vaisselle?;∎ to help sb get started in life aider qn à démarrer dans la vie;∎ let's get started! allons-y!;∎ once he gets started there's no stopping him une fois lancé, il n'y a pas moyen de l'arrêter;∎ I need a coffee to get me started in the morning j'ai besoin d'un café pour commencer la journée(b) (initiate, instigate → reaction, revolution, process) déclencher; (→ fashion) lancer; (→ violence) déclencher, provoquer; (→ conversation, discussion) engager, amorcer; (→ rumour) faire naître;∎ her article started the controversy son article a été à l'origine de la controverse;∎ to start legal proceedings engager une action en justice;∎ which side started the war? quel camp a déclenché la guerre?;∎ you started it c'est toi qui as commencé;∎ it wasn't me who started the quarrel/the fight! ce n'est pas moi qui ai commencé la dispute/la bagarre!;∎ the breakup of the empire started the process of decline le démantèlement de l'empire a déclenché le processus de déclin;∎ to start a fire (in fireplace) allumer le feu; (campfire) faire du feu; (by accident, bomb) mettre le feu;∎ the fire was started by arsonists l'incendie a été allumé par des pyromanes;∎ familiar are you trying to start something? tu cherches la bagarre, ou quoi?(c) (cause to do → person) faire;∎ it started her (off) crying/laughing cela l'a fait pleurer/rire;∎ the news is going to start tongues wagging la nouvelle va faire jaser;∎ I'll start a team (working) on it right away je vais mettre une équipe là-dessus tout de suite;∎ if you start him on this subject he will never stop si vous le lancez sur ce sujet il ne tarira pas(d) (set in motion → motor, car) (faire) démarrer, mettre en marche; (→ machine, device) mettre en marche; (→ meal) mettre en route;∎ how do I start the tape (going)? comment est-ce que je dois faire pour mettre le magnétophone en marche?;∎ I couldn't get the car started je n'ai pas réussi à faire démarrer la voiture;∎ to start the printer again, press this key pour remettre en marche l'imprimante, appuyez sur cette touche(e) (begin using → bottle, pack) entamer(f) (establish, found → business, school, political party) créer, fonder; (→ restaurant, shop) ouvrir; (→ social programme) créer, instaurer;∎ to start a newspaper créer ou fonder un journal;∎ to start a family fonder un foyer(g) (person → in business, work) installer, établir;∎ he started his son in the family business il a fait entrer son fils dans l'entreprise familiale;∎ his election success started him on his political career son succès aux élections l'a lancé dans sa carrière d'homme politique;∎ they start new pilots on domestic flights ils font débuter les nouveaux pilotes sur les vols intérieurs∎ to start the race donner le signal du départ;∎ the referee blew his whistle to start the match l'arbitre siffla pour signaler le début du match∎ the movie starts at 8 o'clock le film commence à 20 heures;∎ when did the contractions start? quand les contractions ont-elles commencé?;∎ school starts on September 5th la rentrée a lieu ou les cours reprennent le 5 septembre;∎ our problems are just starting nos ennuis ne font que commencer;∎ before the New Year/the rainy season starts avant le début de l'année prochaine/de la saison des pluies;∎ before the cold weather starts avant qu'il ne commence à faire froid;∎ starting (from) next week à partir de la semaine prochaine;∎ to start again or afresh recommencer;∎ to start all over again, to start again from scratch recommencer à zéro;∎ calm down and start at the beginning calmez-vous et commencez par le commencement;∎ I didn't know where to start je ne savais pas par quel bout commencer;∎ she started with a joke/by introducing everyone elle a commencé par une plaisanterie/par faire les présentations;∎ I'd like to start by saying how pleased I am to be here tonight j'aimerais commencer par vous dire à quel point je suis heureux d'être parmi vous ce soir;∎ the book starts with a quotation le livre commence par une citation;∎ I'll have the soup to start (with) pour commencer, je prendrai du potage;∎ to start as one means to go on donner la mesure dès le début;∎ isn't it time you got a job? - don't YOU start! il serait peut-être temps que tu trouves du travail - tu ne vas pas t'y mettre, toi aussi!(b) (in career, job) débuter;∎ she started in personnel/as an assistant elle a débuté au service du personnel/comme assistante;∎ have you been working here long? - no, I've just started vous travaillez ici depuis longtemps? - non, je viens de commencer;∎ I start on $500 a week je débute à 500 dollars par semaine;∎ gymnasts have to start young les gymnastes doivent commencer jeunes∎ the neutral zone starts at the river la zone neutre commence à la rivière;∎ there's an arrow where the path starts il y a une flèche qui indique le début du sentier;∎ the bus route starts at the station la ligne de bus commence à la gare;∎ where does the tunnel start? où est l'entrée du tunnel?(d) (car, motor) démarrer, se mettre en marche;∎ the engines started with a roar les moteurs ont démarré en vrombissant;∎ why won't the car start? pourquoi la voiture ne veut-elle pas démarrer?∎ the tour starts at or from the town hall la visite part de la mairie;∎ I'll have to start for the airport soon il va bientôt falloir que je parte pour l'aéroport;∎ we start tomorrow nous partons demain;∎ the train was starting across or over the bridge le train commençait à traverser le pont ou s'engageait sur le pont;∎ she started along the path elle s'engagea sur le sentier;∎ Sport only four horses started quatre chevaux seulement ont pris le départ∎ houses here start at $100,000 ici, le prix des maisons démarre à 100 000 dollars;∎ return fares start from £299 on trouve des billets aller retour à partir de 299 livres(g) (jump involuntarily → person) sursauter; (→ horse) tressaillir, faire un soubresaut; (jump up) bondir;∎ he started in surprise il a tressailli de surprise;∎ she started from her chair elle bondit de sa chaise;∎ to start out of one's sleep se réveiller en sursaut∎ tears started to his eyes les larmes lui sont montées aux yeuxpour commencer, d'abord∎ to start with, my name isn't Jo pour commencer ou d'abord, je ne m'appelle pas Jo(b) (in the beginning) au début;∎ there were only six members to start with il n'y avait que six membres au début;∎ she was an architect to start with, then a journalist elle a d'abord été architecte, puis journaliste►► Computing start bit bit m de départ;Computing start button (in Windows) bouton m Démarrer;Computing start code code m de départ(a) (turn back) rebrousser chemin(b) (start again) recommencer;∎ the children start back at school tomorrow c'est la rentrée scolaire demains'attaquer à;∎ I started in on the pile of mail je me suis attaqué à la pile de courrier;∎ once he starts in on liberty and democracy, there's no stopping him une fois qu'il est lancé sur le sujet de la liberté et de la démocratie, il n'y a plus moyen de l'arrêter;∎ familiar to start in on sb s'en prendre à qn□, tomber à bras raccourcis sur qn(a) (begin → book, meeting, show) commencer;∎ she started the meeting off with introductions elle a commencé la réunion en faisant les présentations(b) (person → on task, in business)∎ here's some wool to start you off voici de la laine pour commencer;∎ he lent us a couple of thousand pounds to start us off il nous a prêté quelques milliers de livres pour nous aider à démarrer;∎ the pianist played a few bars to start them off le pianiste a joué quelques mesures d'introduction∎ what started the alarm off? qu'est-ce qui a déclenché l'alarme?;∎ if you mention it it'll only start her off again n'en parle pas, sinon elle va recommencer;∎ to start sb off laughing/crying faire rire/pleurer qn;∎ the baby's crying again, what started him off this time? le bébé s'est remis à pleurer, qu'est-ce qu'il a cette fois?;∎ dad's finally calmed down, don't you start him off again papa s'est enfin calmé, ne va pas l'énerver∎ he started off at a run il est parti en courant;∎ when do you start off on your trip? quand est-ce que vous partez en voyage?(b) (begin → speech, film) commencer;∎ it starts off with a description of the town ça commence par une description de la ville;∎ start off with a summary of the problem commencez par un résumé du problème;∎ she started off by talking about… elle commença en parlant de…;∎ the interview started off badly/well l'entretien a mal/bien commencé;∎ I started off agreeing with him au début, j'étais d'accord avec lui(c) (in life, career) débuter;∎ he started off as a cashier il a débuté comme caissier;∎ she started off as a Catholic elle était catholique à l'origine;∎ you're starting off with all the advantages vous partez avec tous les avantages∎ they had already started on their dessert ils avaient déjà commencé à manger ou entamé leur dessert;∎ after they'd searched the car they started on the luggage après avoir fouillé la voiture, ils sont passés aux bagages(b) (attack, berate) s'en prendre à;∎ don't start on me, I'm not to blame! ne t'en prends pas à moi, ce n'est pas de ma faute!(a) (begin journey) partir, se mettre en route(b) (begin career) débuter;∎ he started out as a cashier il a débuté comme caissier;∎ she started out as a Catholic elle était catholique à l'origine;∎ he started out in business with his wife's money il s'est lancé dans les affaires avec l'argent de sa femme;∎ when she started out there were only a few women lawyers quand elle a commencé sa carrière, il y avait très peu de femmes avocats∎ he started out to write a novel au départ il voulait écrire un romanrecommencer (depuis le début)recommencer (depuis le début)➲ start up(a) (establish, found → business, school, political party) créer, fonder; (→ restaurant, shop) ouvrir(b) (set in motion → car, motor) faire démarrer; (→ machine) mettre en marche; (→ computer) mettre en route; (→ program) lancer, démarrer∎ the applause started up again les applaudissements ont repris(b) (car, motor) démarrer, se mettre en marche; (machine) se mettre en marche; (computer, program) se mettre en route(c) (set up business) se lancer, s'installer, s'établir;∎ he decided to start up by himself il a décidé de se mettre à son compteⓘ I've started so I'll finish Le jeu télévisé britannique Mastermind fut diffusé de 1972 à 1997. Les concurrents de ce jeu portant sur la culture générale devaient répondre au plus grand nombre de questions possible en l'espace de deux minutes. Si l'animateur était en train de poser une question lorsque retentissait la sonnerie qui annonçait la fin du temps imparti, il prononçait rituellement ces mots ("j'ai commencé, je vais donc finir") avant de finir de lire la question au concurrent. Aujourd'hui, on utilise cette phrase par allusion au jeu télévisé lorsqu'on est interrompu. -
18 lead time before the start of
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19 время трогания
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20 время трогания
См. также в других словарях:
motion picture — motion picture, adj. 1. a sequence of consecutive pictures of objects photographed in motion by a specially designed camera (motion picture camera) and thrown on a screen by a projector (motion picture projector) in such rapid succession as to… … Universalium
Motion planning — (a.k.a., the navigation problem , the piano mover s problem ) is a term used in robotics for the process of detailing a task into discrete motions. For example, consider navigating a mobile robot inside a building to a distant waypoint. It should … Wikipedia
Motion City Soundtrack — performing at Leeds Festival 2010 Background information Origin Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S … Wikipedia
For You, For Me Tour — Tour by Kylie Minogue Start date September 30, 2009 End date … Wikipedia
Time management — is commonly defined as the various means by which people effectively use their time and other closely related resources in order to make the most out of it. [The Concise Dictionary of Business Management, by David A. Statt, Taylor Francis Group… … Wikipedia
Time — This article is about the measurement. For the magazine, see Time (magazine). For other uses, see Time (disambiguation). The flow of sand in an hourglass can be used to keep track of elapsed time. It also concretely represents the present as… … Wikipedia
Motion (American football) — In gridiron football, motion refers to the movement of an offensive player at or prior to the snap. Contents 1 Motion and shift 2 History and purpose 3 Requirements 4 … Wikipedia
motion-picture technology — Introduction the means for the production and showing of motion pictures. It includes not only the motion picture camera and projector but also such technologies as those involved in recording sound, in editing both picture and sound, in… … Universalium
Time in physics — In physics, the treatment of time is a central issue. It has been treated as a question of geometry. One can measure time and treat it as a geometrical dimension, such as length, and perform mathematical operations on it. It is a scalar quantity… … Wikipedia
Motion Picture Association of America film rating system — R rated redirects here. For the R rating in other countries, see Motion picture rating system. PG 13 redirects here. For the wrestling team, see PG 13 (professional wrestling). The Motion Picture Association of America s film rating system is… … Wikipedia
motion — mo|tion1 W3 [ˈməuʃən US ˈmou ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(movement)¦ 2¦(moving your head or hand)¦ 3¦(suggestion at a meeting)¦ 4 in motion 5 set/put something in motion 6 go through the motions (of doing something) 7¦(body waste)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; :… … Dictionary of contemporary English